Policy Day 2023 – Regulatory Decision-Making: Delivering Today and Planning for Tomorrow

octobre 12, 2023 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST

Policy Day 2023 – Regulatory Decision-Making: Delivering Today and Planning for Tomorrow

octobre 12, 2023 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST

Thank you for your interest in this event. Registration is now closed.

We all acknowledge the energy sector is undergoing massive change. The OEB and our stakeholders are at the epicenter of a transformational transition. The theme for this year’s Policy Day, “Regulatory Decision-Making: Delivering Today and Planning for Tomorrow,” recognizes the regulatory needs of the energy sector today while envisioning a framework to enable the energy sector for the future.

Policy Day is the OEB’s annual opportunity to provide a progress report to the sector on our work during the current business cycle and for stakeholders to input into our forward work plan. For the 2023 forum, stakeholder input on needs and issues will help the OEB remain focused on the right priorities. The result being an OEB business plan that reflects our comprehensive understanding of regulatory considerations, from a sector point of view, within this rapidly changing energy landscape.

The OEB’s third annual Policy Day features a live stream of the OEB C-Suite in Conversation with energy transformation leader Aisha Bukhari, as well as stakeholder discussion on a range of current and emerging regulatory considerations:

  • EV Charging Accessibility
  • Continued Effectiveness of Adjudicative Policies & Intervenor Participation in the Hearing Process
  • Technology Transformation: Leveraging Technology Solutions to Modernize How the OEB Regulates
  • Developing a Benefit Cost Analysis for Local Electricity System Planning - Characterization of Societal Impacts
  • The Regulator’s Role in Implementing a Distribution System Operator Model in Ontario

Organizations may register for two breakout sessions. Each session may be attended by the individual selected to participate by their organization.

Participants are asked to indicate their topic preferences. Rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis with the OEB doing its best to accommodate preferences.

Complete details about Policy Day 2023, including full descriptions of this year’s breakout room topics, may be found at https://engagewithus.oeb.ca/policyday2023